
​rap amd bite my hand on adderall 121 11 i am 2013 thw year
​trying to kill me forget is 3472551704
​where u read this what is this teddy mapes 
please click on Author for full being tribute (Tribute 2 Teddy Mapes) •By roommate . lover♡ Adderalls Little nemo on American Broadcasting company please search "Little nemo on anc" schitzophrenia logging. html searching LIVING Encoding buring a republican chip + All their money they put into me...and DIED yet are on TV...over a tragic war for them only living the internet,me,and Adderall+Cocaine and Hells Kitchen:Manhattan (also a living bio reactive film set to Me! occupy wallstreets chrid mastronardi with the stole hallmark hello Kitty atop 😺 His Zuccatti 2011 park tent) occupy fashion 165 west 86th street West park prespytarian church ⛪ ny ny 10024 #347.255.1704